What is shipping by freight? Know the benefits of shipping by freight
Have you considered working with a freight management company but haven’t yet given the idea the green light? Then some business-boosting freight management benefits might just convince you. Let’s imagine a scenario for a moment, shall we? You’re in the middle of yet another busy week trying to maintain the efficiency and productivity of your business when you realize that you don’t ever remember receiving confirmation that the large shipment you sent out the week before arrived at its destination—and it most definitely should have. Suddenly, you’re scrambling—checking through emails, asking your warehouse supervisor if she received the confirmation, and preparing yourself to receive a call from your customer that you really dread having to take. Wouldn’t it might nice if scenarios like that didn’t have to happen? If making sure your freight shipped out (and actually delivered!) on time one of the simplest and most pleasant parts of your day? Well, lucky for you, working wi...